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Wall Art and Decor Tips For Book Lovers

Decorating your home is the perfect way to show off your style, but it’s also a great way to show your personality. Styling your home according to your interests and makes your home unique and special to you and is one of the things that makes home decor so interesting. 

If books are your passion, then finding ways to incorporate them into your home decor should be no problem. From wall art to table treatments, you won’t be short of ways to bring your love of books into your home.

Take a look at some inspired wall art and decor tips that are ideal for book lovers.

From cover art to wall art

Book covers, especially the classic ones, are works of art in themselves. From The Great Gatsby’s iconic eyes to Pride and Prejudice’s ornate peacocks, some covers tell a story, while some are just nice to look at. So why not incorporate some of your favourites into wall art? Get prints made up of some of your favourite covers, get some frames for wall art and decorate your space with them. You can colour-coordinate your looks, opt for black and white, or simply choose the covers that mean the most to you. They’ll be sure to make excellent conversation starters. 

Incorporate some floating bookshelves

If you want a great way to display your book collection, then why not use some floating bookshelves? You can experiment with different sizes to help suit the rest of your decor, as well as placement around the rest of your wall features, such as your TV or lighting. Floating bookshelves are a modern upgrade to traditional bookshelves, giving your space a clean look. Mix up your books with some other decorative elements, such as ornaments and plants, to create further interest.

Fill shelves with coordinating covers

Book covers are a style trend in themselves, so why not create some features from them in your home? Many publishers and even homeware stores sell collections of books with coordinating covers that look great on your shelves. If you have a particular colour scheme you’re working with, keep an eye out for books that fit what you’re looking for to add to your collection.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Why not create your own covers or wrap yours with wallpaper cuts or wrapping paper for a unique and stylish look? 

Use your books to fill up some space on your shelves alongside vases, ornaments and trinkets to create an attractive feature for your living room, office or bedroom.

Enhance your coffee table styling

Coffee tables are an important part of any living room decor. And coffee table books can be the perfect addition to your coffee table styling to make an impression, as well as give your guests something to read. Coffee table books are generally focused on photographs and drawings, adding some art to your space. Choose coffee table books in different sizes to help create an interesting feature, and add other decorative elements that will turn your plain coffee table into something more personal.

Get creative with the pages

.Incorporating books into your home decor isn’t just about the covers – the pages can also make for some beautiful decorative elements. If you can bear to tear out the pages of a book, you can use them to make different decorative accessories. From coasters and placemats to framed prints and even decoupage, you can bring words to life in your own unique way.

Use illustrations to bring some life to your home

Some of the most celebrated and memorable books feature illustrations that are both recognisable and beautiful. Some illustrations will always have a special meaning, from Alice in Wonderland to Peter Rabbit and the Roald Dahl books. Whether you choose to decorate your children’s bedrooms with iconic characters or incorporate them into the rest of your decor, using classic book illustrations adds a little something different to your home.

Bookworms will love thinking of ways to bring some of their favourite titles into their decor. From poster and wall art to getting creative with covers and pages, there are a lot of ways to use books in your decor to create spaces that are unique to you. Whatever your decor style, there are ways to celebrate your love of books and make them a feature of your home.