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The Correlation Between Substance Abuse and Mental Health 

You may have noticed that people who are addicted to substance abuse, such as drugs or alcohol, have poor mental health. The reason behind this is that consumption of these substances alters the structure and functioning of the brain, which leads to your brain and body working against your well-being. Hence, it is safe to say that mental illness is a byproduct of substance abuse and vice versa. 

Treatment for an individual who is suffering from both substance abuse and mental illness must be carefully tailored to ensure that the patient attains complete independence from the substance, along with improving their mental health. Dual diagnosis treatment is a popular method to treat individuals who are suffering from both issues and are looking for effective solutions that will help them attain sobriety and improve their mental health conditions. If you are looking for a reliable solution, you can opt for dual diagnosis treatment at Tres Vistas

Now that you know where you can find reliable help, it’s time to look at how mental health and substance abuse are correlated and how dual diagnosis treatment can help: 

Correlation Between Substance Abuse and Mental Health 

Mental health and substance abuse are closely correlated. Untreated mental health conditions can lead to substance abuse, and on the other hand, substance abuse can ruin your mental health condition. So, when one enters this vicious cycle, it is difficult to get out of it. 

You may have noticed that people who suffer from mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or depression often turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve their symptoms. In the same way, when a person is addicted to substances, they are bound to develop mental illnesses, and if they try to eliminate these substances from their lives, they may notice their symptoms getting worse. 

This is why individuals must opt for dual diagnosis treatment, which helps tackle both problems at the same time and assists them in staying sober in the long term. 

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment? 

The article has mentioned dual diagnosis treatment quite a few times, but what does it actually mean? Well, dual diagnosis treatment is not just one treatment but a combination of treatments that help an individual fight mental illness and substance abuse simultaneously. 

Now, if you are wondering which problem is tackled first, there is no definitive answer. The treatment takes a holistic approach that addresses both issues. 

The healthcare provider uses a wide range of diagnostic tools to tackle the problem and reform your life, both physically and mentally. Some of the popular treatment and management approaches used are the following:

  1. Behavioral Therapy: 

Behavioral therapy consists of a number of other therapies that work together to help the patient find relief from their mental illness as well as tackle substance abuse.

CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a structured talk therapy with a defined goal. This therapy concentrates on the patient’s problematic behavior and aims to alter their thinking pattern. 

DBT: Dialectical behavioral therapy is for people who feel intense emotions and are at higher risk of causing self-harm. 

  1. Medication 

Targeted medication is another aspect of dual diagnosis treatment that helps alleviate the symptoms of both conditions. 

  1. Support Groups:

Support groups are also part of this treatment. In these groups, like-minded people join together to share their experiences, which helps others relate to the problems and find ways to tackle them. 

  1. Inpatient Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment mostly requires the patient to enroll in an intensive inpatient program since it helps approach the problem holistically and find effective solutions while the patient is under the supervision of medical professionals 24/7. 


Mental health and substance abuse are closely linked, making it difficult to determine if poor mental health leads to substance abuse or if substance abuse leads to poor mental health. The relationship between the two is complex and often intertwined, making it challenging to identify a clear cause and effect.

However, no matter the reason, dual diagnosis treatment is an effective way to treat both conditions and patients who have chosen it have significantly improved their quality of life.