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Why every woman should solo travel at least once

Solo travel is a relatively popular way to explore the world, with over 40% of Americans planning to take lone adventures in 2024. From trekking through national parks to cycling across scenic landscapes, there are so many exciting ways to discover new locations by yourself. 

According to data from 2020, solo traveling is more popular among women. Personal growth is a key reason many enjoy it, as solo vacations present opportunities to learn and develop. 

It’s recommended that every woman explores somewhere at least once by themselves and here are the main reasons why. 

  1. Empowerment and independence

By stepping outside the safety of familiarity, you’re compelled to rely solely on yourself, which can foster a deep sense of independence and self-confidence. Traveling alone means you get to decide every aspect of your journey, such as where to go, what to do, and how to react to challenges.

Engaging in adventurous activities like hiking, cycling, or mountain climbing can make you feel empowered. These pursuits push you physically and mentally, forcing you to dig deep and rely on your instincts. Completing a difficult hike or reaching a summit after a mountain climb provides a sense of achievement that can make you feel great.

  1. Connecting with like-minded travelers

Solo travel doesn’t have to be lonely, as you often have opportunities to meet new people with shared interests. For instance, booking a hiking tour or a group cycling expedition puts you with others and an expert to guide you through unfamiliar terrain. 

Traveling alone also creates a space for meaningful interactions with fellow tourists. You may end up staying in accommodations with common rooms where you can share stories with others on vacation. This can lead to lifelong friendships forming and may even inspire a group trip together in the future.

  1. Tour at your own pace

When you go with friends, family, or partners, compromise is often necessary to accommodate different preferences and energy levels. In contrast, solo travel allows you to follow your own rhythm, whether you’re taking it slow and soaking in the scenery or pushing your limits with more strenuous activities.

Imagine leisurely cycling around vineyards, pausing whenever to enjoy the views or indulge in a wine-tasting session. You could also take a hike through an exotic destination, with no one to slow you down or rush you along.

This freedom extends beyond the itinerary and lets you create an experience fully tailored to your desires. 

  1. Building confidence when facing new challenges

Your escape isn’t just about sightseeing; it’s about confronting challenges that push your limits physically and mentally. This could include tackling a complex trail or navigating a foreign landscape, as they can force you to overcome fears that may have previously held you back.

This type of experience can be particularly impactful for women. You may be often encouraged to take the “safe” or “traditional” path, and solo adventures shatter those expectations and let you rediscover your strength and resilience.

Once you return from a successful trip, it can reinforce the idea that you are capable of handling whatever comes your way. 

A solo adventure can offer plenty of benefits to your life and help you grow personally. Now you need to pick where you want to go, plan your epic escape, and learn how to stay safe.