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Figuring Out Facial Redness: Rosacea vs Redness

Facial redness is a common skin concern that can be caused by several internal and external factors. So, how can someone tell what the cause of their facial redness is?

If your skin is scarlet in hue, it could be for several different reasons. For one, you could have a skin condition commonly known as rosacea. On the other hand, you may be experiencing sensitive or irritated skin. Or perhaps, it’s because of allergic reactions and intolerances to foods, skincare products, or other irritants. 

Stay with us as we take you through how you can tell the difference between these skin concerns, and also, how to address your facial redness. 

Facial Redness: Could it be Rosacea?

What is rosacea? And how do you know if you have it? 

As a chronic skin condition that causes redness and inflammation of the face, the good news is that you can treat it. If you are diagnosed with rosacea, the common symptoms you’re likely to be experiencing include:

  • Facial flushing and persistent redness of the face.
  • A constant spread of red bumps or pimples across the face. 
  • Thickening of facial skin, as well as visible blood cells.
  • Dryness, burning, stinging, or swelling of the face. 

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to consult with your doctor. They’ll be able to properly diagnose your skin condition and provide you with treatment options to help reduce your symptoms.

Other Causes of Facial Redness

If your face is red, this does not necessarily mean that you have rosacea. Some of the other causes of facial redness, other than rosacea, can include;

Facial Redness Caused By Sensitive or Irritated Skin

If you have sensitive skin, it can easily become irritated or inflamed, and as a result, red in colour. Even if you don’t have sensitive skin from a young age, skin sensitivity can develop in later life, as your skin matures and ages. 

Another factor that can increase the sensitivity of your skin? Washing it too frequently. By over-washing, over-scrubbing, and over-exfoliating, we can damage the dermal layers of our skin, causing it to become more sensitive. 

Facial Redness Caused By Allergic Reactions or Intolerances

What is another reason your face could be red? You may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Some examples of skin reactions to allergies include;

Contact Dermatitis

This skin condition is caused when your skin makes contact with an irritant or allergen, resulting in rashes or hives on the face. 


A skin condition that is characterised by itchy, scaly, burning skin, often caused by food intolerances or seasonal allergies. 

Food intolerances 

Common skin redness-causing food intolerances include allergies to eggs, milk, fish, nuts, soy, and wheat.

Seasonal allergies

Often referred to as ‘hay fever’, seasonal allergies can cause facial redness, as well as swelling, and itchy, watery eyes. 

Treating Facial Redness: How to Care for Reddened Skin

Some of the ways to care for your skin if you are experiencing facial redness include;

Skincare Strategies for Facial Redness 

One strategy for treating facial redness? Incorporating targeted treatments and products such as skincare for redness in your skincare regimen to target facial redness. 

Some examples of the types of skincare products you can use to reduce your facial redness include:

  • Hydrating serums that combat dryness and irritation.
  • Soothing lotions that help heal irritated skin.
  • Gentle cleaners that do not contain allergens or irritants. 
  • Nourishing creams that repair the skin’s barriers.

Avoiding Irritants and Allergens to Save Your Skin

If you’ve tried switching up your skincare and nothing is helping, consider changing your diet. You may well have a food allergy which is causing your facial redness. Alternatively, you may be allergic to the products you are utilising in your skincare routine. You might need to use more gentle products, or perhaps, there are certain ingredients you are allergic to.

To be sure of the causes of your facial redness, consult with a doctor or dermatologist who can diagnose and treat your skin condition. They will be able to help you ascertain whether your skin concerns are a result of rosacea, food allergies, or perhaps, caused by the skincare products you are using.