6 Signs that You May Need to Consider Getting Invisalign Treatment

6 Signs that You May Need to Consider Getting Invisalign Treatment

Are you having some difficulty with your teeth? Maybe your teeth have been pushed up against one another because your wisdom forced them together, or maybe you’re just struggling to floss? Either way, Invisalign is a modern cosmetic dental treatment that has been successful in helping people deal with cosmetic dental issues. But how do you know if you need to get an Invisalign or if you’re just being paranoid about your teeth? Keep reading to find out what signs indicate that you may need Invisalign. 

1. You’re experiencing issues with your teeth

Dental issues are a normal part of life. Many issues we have with our teeth often result from what we eat. But, in some cases, they occur due to genetics, too. One issue that we often find people struggling with is misaligned or crooked teeth. While some people think this isn’t an issue, keeping your teeth clean when flossing and brushing them can make it difficult. Bad oral hygiene can lead to several other oral issues, too. So, if you’re struggling with this issue, you might want to consider getting Invisalign treatment. 

2. You’ve noticed that your teeth have shifted

Sometimes, teeth can shift because of an underlying issue, such as wisdom teeth being horizontally impacted and pushing on your teeth, forcing them in a certain direction, or even an extra tooth still under the gum. The first step to solving these issues is to remove your wisdom teeth or the extra tooth. However, after the extraction, there’s no guarantee that your teeth will fall back into place again. A short period with Invisalign can help your teeth readjust back into their original positions. 

3. You struggle to floss

Generally, your teeth should leave just enough space for you to be able to comfortably floss between them. As you well know, flossing is an essential part of oral hygiene. It helps you get to the areas your toothbrush can’t, allowing you to remove plaque and tartar buildup in order to maintain your oral health. 

If you’re unable to floss, bacteria might build up, leading to possible tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Invisalign can help guide your teeth into alignment, opening up small enough gaps for you to floss. 

4. You’re self-conscious about the look of your teeth

We can’t ask to be born with perfect teeth, but we all certainly deserve to be confident about our smiles. Another reason to consider getting Invisalign treatment is if you feel self-conscious about your teeth because they are crooked or have large gaps between them. If the issue is position-related, Invisalign can guide your teeth back into alignment, offering you a smile you can be proud of. 

5. Your bite is misaligned

How do you know if your teeth are misaligned? Well, do they line up perfectly with your nose, with your lips, or with each row? Misaligned teeth are a fairly common occurrence. Some people have a slightly misaligned jaw, which causes this, while others have a bit of an over- or underbite. Either way, Invisalign would be the solution for your teeth to be re-aligned with each other and your jaw. 

6. Do you want an alternative to braces?

Braces have been around for a long time and, to date, are still one of the most successful treatments for fixing cosmetic alignment issues with teeth. However, they have a major downside: they don’t look great and can be a pain (literally) to deal with. Braces limit the food you can eat, involve more dental consultations to set the braces correctly, and must be worn all the time. 

Invisalign, on the other hand, is practically invisible and requires no elastics. You can also take them out to eat and drink whatever you want, which helps. As the cherry on top, the treatment period for Invisalign is also shorter than that of braces, making them an ideal alternative. 

Where can you get Invisalign?

We’ve only touched the surface regarding the signs that you may need to have Invisalign treatment done. To find out more, your best bet would be to see a dentist. In the mean time, you can look here to find deals on invisalign treatment plans and what you can expect if you go for the treatment. 

Final thoughts

One of the best features of Invisalign aligners is that they are virtually invisible. They aren’t as harsh on your mouth as bracers; you can eat and drink whatever you want. That alone is a bonus if you ask us! If you’re experiencing any of the signs above, it may be time to consider an Invisalign treatment. All it takes is an inquiry to know, so don’t hesitate to contact your dentist ASAP!