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What necklace should you wear depending on each neckline

Choosing a necklace to compliment your outfit can be a challenge. As there are so many different types of necklaces and necklines on tops/dresses, it can be extremely overwhelming trying to decide which is the right choice. The good news is that you don’t have to worry too much longer because we’re here for you. We have written this short guide to give you an idea of which necklace you should wear depending on each neckline! Keep reading if you’re interested in learning more about this topic.

What To Think About

Choosing a necklace isn’t just about looking at a piece, matching the colour or the shape and then being done with it. There is far more to it than this, and you need to know what considerations need to be made! For example, some of the things that you are going to need to think about are:

  • Personal style
  • Face shape
  • Neckline depth
  • Neckline width
  • Neckline width

Each of these things will play a role in determining which necklace will be best for your outfit. You need to choose a necklace that is reflective of your personal style while also highlighting your neck in the best way possible. 

Our Recommendations 


If you will be wearing something with a v-neck, a pendant necklace is likely to be your best choice. A necklace like this really accentuates the neckline, and it doesn’t matter if you choose a bolder pendant or a smaller, more classic piece. 

Scoop Neck

A scoop neckline refers to a low-cut U-shape design. Due to this neckline’s shape and cut, we recommend choosing a shorter necklace. This can be either a necklace that keeps close to the slope of your neck, or you could even pair this neckline with a choker. The length of the necklace will ensure that you are not overpowering your dress but also that it isn’t fading into the background, highlighting your neck.

High Neck

Next up on our list, we have high-neck outfits! Modest, elegant, and sophisticated, these outfits need a special piece to compliment them, and our recommendation is a long but subtle pendant necklace. The pendant necklace is a timeless piece that can be used for a variety of occasions and necklines, but they especially compliment this neckline. The long pendant will be able to add an extra touch of sophistication without overpowering the outfit itself, making for the perfect combination.

Plunging Neck

The plunging neck screams one thing: attention. It demands it right from the very second you put on your outfit, and your necklace needs to demand the same attention. You need to match the energy and the drama that this neckline brings with something equally as bold. Body chains are a fantastic option for this or a bold statement piece necklace that hangs down your chest in the same way the plunging neckline does.

Sweetheart Neck

A sweetheart neckline is characterised by the shape that resembles the top of a heart and is a classic neckline. This style suits the majority of people, and there is no shortage of gorgeous dresses with this neckline. It helps to emphasise a long, thin neck and also helps you to show off a generous amount of cleavage without coming across as over the top. To compliment this style, you should look at dainty and dainty necklaces. A delicate choker is always a fantastic option here.

Round Neckline

If you’re going to be wearing a round neckline, you have done yourself a favour, or you have given yourself too many options, whichever way you want to look at it. A round necklace is extremely versatile as both long pendant-type necklaces and more delicate pieces suit this style. For a round neckline, it will come down to factors such as personal style more than anything else, as the wearer will be able to pull off pretty much any style of necklace here.

We hope that you have found this article helpful and now have a stronger understanding of which necklace you should wear depending on each neckline. At the end of the day, it’s up to you which necklace you pair with your outfit, but these are our recommendations and some ideas on how to choose yours going forward. Of course, we haven’t managed to include all types of necklines in this article, but you can use the knowledge that you have gained to make your own judgement!