Hollywood has a long history of using casino games in its films. It is easy to see why high-adrenaline films have included thrilling casino games for so long: they are fast-paced, action-packed, and exhilarating.
Not only are casino games thrilling, but the setting is perfect for movies. Hollywood and players alike have long been enamored with depictions of casinos in close-up on cinema, since these establishments are often associated with glitz and riches.
Today you can also play casinos online. Moreover, many popular licensed casinos offer cool bonuses, for example, a $300 free chip no deposit casino is one of the coolest offers.
Casinos and the games they provide have, of course, been the focus of more than one film. Some excellent examples include “21,” Casino Royale, and Rounders.
The audience “sides with the average Joe” in several of these blockbuster successes in the hopes that they, too, may win big against the house.
But have you ever considered the games shown in films the most? Here we will demonstrate four of the most popular casino games used by Hollywood today.
- Blackjack
One of the most played casino games on the planet, blackjack, is also the most prominently depicted game in movies.
Even in nations where gambling is not permitted, players may find Blackjack variations played in almost every country.
It’s a common game to play casually during lunch breaks at work or around the dinner table, particularly during holidays.
Multiple variants of the game are available. Blackjack is a perfect fit for Hollywood because of its popularity.
The game and its mechanics will be known to many spectators. Here are a few of films that include Blackjack.
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The Hangover
Among all American comedies, The Hangover is a classic.
The plot centers on four pals who go to Las Vegas for a bachelor celebration. Following the strategies outlined in Edward Thorp’s “Beat the Dealer” book, they attempt to beat the casinos at blackjack.
Regrettably, plans fall through.
It seems like the four pals have forgotten the most important thing about gambling: not to drink too much when you’re in the casino! Consequently, the pals set off on an insane adventure, all in an effort to understand what happened the night before. It’s the best Blackjack-themed film since it’s funny, sardonic, and the four main characters get along well.
The Last Casino
Released in 2004, “La Mise Finale” is the French name for The Last Casino. One of the most watched Blackjack movies of all time, this classic Blockbuster flick is still going strong.
The film chronicles the exploits of math professor Doug Barnes, who beats casinos in Blackjack by counting cards.
Although it doesn’t have the same level of comedic timing as The Hangover, it has a fantastic narrative and is a pleasure to see.
- Craps
While it may not rank high among online casino games, craps is nevertheless a favorite among those who prefer to play in brick-and-mortar establishments.
It provides very high odds (which might change in your favor at any moment). Although it’s not as frantic as games like Blackjack or Roulette, it’s great for social gatherings and a single round may take quite a while.
On weekends, you’ll find Craps tables packed with gamblers at most brick-and-mortar casinos.
Although the game’s learning curve is steep, it is more than compensated for by the game’s fantastic bonuses and incentives.
There are a lot of reasons why craps appear in Hollywood films. Most notably, it is often played with very large bets.
Craps is a great game for movies with multimillion-dollar bets. I will list a few of the best movies that are based on crap below.
Guys and Dolls
Distinguishing it from the legendary stage musical of the same name, Guys and Dolls was a film that came out in 1955.
It had Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando, two of the most famous actors of that era.
The underworld of New York’s illicit gambling culture is the film’s focal point.
The underground gambling network was spiraling out of control under the supervision of ruthless mafia lords. There are a number of important games offered, including craps.
As a final resort to save his beloved, Marlon Brando plays craps in a classic scene. He wins the game, proposes to his fiancée, and then gives a “feel good” finale, as you would expect.
Diamonds are Forever
The concept of brick-and-mortar casinos is familiar to James Bond. Casinos have been featured in several films from the franchise’s lengthy run. Craps is the game of choice in Diamonds or Forever, as opposed to the more common Blackjack or Poker.
A guy called Plenty O’Toole shoots craps at a casino table where James Bond meets him in one episode.
The accused diamond smugglers are the ones Bond is trying to track down. However, we see that he does, in fact, place a few wagers at the table.
- Roulette
Another casino game that often appears in Hollywood films is roulette.
People from all around the globe gather around the tables of this fast-paced, action-packed game at casinos.
Playing roulette is simple and relies on luck. You just set your chips down and wait for the wheel to spin; unlike Blackjack, there are no player-based choices!
Many movies incorporate roulette, which is great news for enthusiasts of the game. You get to see heroes and heroines try to win it all at the table, even if not all of these movies are realistic.
What follows is a list of some of the most famous films starring Roulette from across the globe.
Among the most classic films included here is Casablanca. It may be old, but it is still one of the most recognizable.
Casablanca, which premiered in 1942, is about a rich casino owner named Rick and his life. During WWII, he tried to assist inmates in escaping a concentration camp that was under German administration.
The plot of the film is complex and full of unexpected turns. Two newlyweds put their lives on the line in a famous real-money Roulette scene, when they wager everything on a single number.
After months of captivity in a Nazi concentration camp, they are finally able to get out thanks to their lucky number—22.
It’s a fantastic movie. The film is enjoyable despite its monochrome presentation.
California Split
Among these films, California Split is by far the least famous.
However, if you’re seeking an exciting picture that revolves around gambling, it’s a great choice.
Featuring a TON of Roulette action, California Split is an action-packed, fast-paced game that came out in 1974.
The plot of the film centers on the two protagonists as they face accusations of poker-related collusion.
They use their winnings from stealing people’s money and use them to improve their winnings at the roulette tables.
Unfortunately, one of the protagonists meets a tragic end. Instead of seeking “highs” at the casino all the time, he gets back to his regular life.