Palais-Royal Gardens


Address: Place du Palais Royal, Paris, FR
Website: None
Phone: +33 01 42 97 46 23

These gardens accompany the grand building formerly known as the Palais-Cardinal, which sits across from the Louvre. After Cardinal Richelieu’s death in 1642, the property passed to royals including Louis XIII, and eventually the Duchess d’Orléans, who made it the court’s preferred gathering spot, and designed the ornate gardens, which now constitute a city park. “This is a great place for my son,” says Capucine Gougenheim Geagea. “He meets friends here after school, or I take him for lunch, biking, or just running between Buren’s columns and play hide and seek,” she says, adding that it’s especially elegant in spring, when the magnolia trees are in full bloom.