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Décor Tips for Your Florida Home

Most people want the décor of their home to reflect where they are living. If this is the case and you currently live within the subtropical climate, here are some décor tips that can make your abode feel Floridian whether you are inside or out. 

Invest in Exotic Plants 

There is nothing better than adding stunning exotic plants to your Florida home, especially if you pick plants that you would not be able to grow and enjoy in other parts of the US. This can make your house thematic and look unique to your friends in the Northern states. What’s more, these plants might be able to purify the air in your home and boost your mood whenever you look at and care for them. For instance, you might consider investing in palm trees and other plants that are synonymous with the state and tropical environments for both inside and outside your home. 

Get a Sofa Bed

You might feel as if you are constantly running out of space in your Florida home or that you cannot accommodate the number of guests that you want to. If this is the case, you should invest in sofa beds for you and your family. Not only can this sofa bed allow you to get loved ones to come on vacation to your state, but it will also allow you to save space as it can be folded back into a couch formation whenever you would like it to. However, if you are going to get a leather sofa bed in Florida, you should make sure that you turn the air con on and that you keep it out of direct sunlight. This will ensure that you do not end up sticking to this couch. 

Reduce Soft Furnishings

While soft furnishings can be cozy and comforting, they can also be incredibly warm, and can end up increasing the temperature of your abode. This is especially the case if you drape your couch with throw pillows and blankets, and you might swap out curtains for alternatives, such as blinds. If you are going to opt for soft furnishings as a cheap and simple way to decorate your home, you should make sure that these furnishings are made from breathable materials and that you wash them often. 

Lay Down Flooring

Although carpets can be tempting, Florida homes suit flooring much more, especially if you are going in and out to the pool or if you cannot stand extreme heat. Flooring is also durable and can stay nice for longer, ensuring that you do not have to carry out constant renovations to your home. This means that you should look for great wooden, tiled and laminate flooring that can make your home sparkle while being easy to clean. 

Choose Light Colors

When you want to paint the walls of your home, you should set your heart on light and bright colors that can reflect the sunshine and make your rooms look more spacious than they truly are. These light colors can match the coastal or tropical vibe that you have going and can make your property look endlessly contemporary. You could even paint the exterior of your home.