Spring Activities: New York with Kids

Once springtime rolls around in New York, I want nothing more than to be outside with my kids. And the best part about living in this wonderful city is that there is always something to do. I usually have a running list of new spring activities to try: Playgrounds, exhibits, restaurants, et cetera. But being a mom on the go, I never really write down exactly what I am thinking. I usually forget, therefore, and miss an amazing exhibit or something else with a specific time frame or expiration date.

Luckily, I have found a site that solves this very problem. It’s called Kidsy. Currently in beta, Kidsy is a new hub that helps New York parents discover nearby activities, set up playdates, and even meet up with other parents and families. Sign up and highlight all of the happenings around town—the site will save your picks to make planning spring activities a cinch.