Mom vs. Mom: By the Sea or on a Mountain?

Deciding on the perfect family vacation destination

“Best to go by the ocean, so the little one can breathe in some iodine and get over his cold.” “Nope, better to go to the mountains: clean air and no salt, so that they don’t get overexcited.” “No way! You need a beach to really have fun!” “There’s nothing like going hiking and learning about nature!” How many times have you heard moms argue over the best destination for a family trip? It’s the eternal dilemma: best to vacation by the waves or in higher altitudes? Pediatricians recommend a little bit of both when possible—a vacation is a vacation, after all, and the break from school is great for having fun and getting some rest.

Fabrizia de Vita, who lives in Milan and is in charge of special projects for a large company, decided to do something different this year with her kids (Kim, 8, and Luyen, 4): “For us, vacation has always meant discovering a new beach or going to another country, but this year I’m going to bring the kids to the mountains for the first time. I’m looking forward to hiking, having picnics, and relaxing with friends.” She explains, “The kids will be free to run around and play with friends and the temperate climate will help them (and us) get some much needed rest before the school year.” Won’t she miss a summer by the sea? “We’re going there too, obviously.” The perfect compromise, then. How about you? Where do you like to bring the kids in the summer?