Basil, Lavender, Tarragon and More Herbs to Spice Up Your Summer Menu

Summer cooking should be simple and easy–the less the oven has to be on, the better, as far as we’re concerned. Fresh local produce and bright, clean flavors are all hallmarks of our favorite summer recipes. Herbs, which are the easiest things to grow, even for those with less-than-green thumbs, are an excellent way to expand your culinary arsenal. Consider trying these yummy flavors at your next meal–all you need to do is make a quick pit-stop at your window box.


1. Swap basil for usual pesto and try parsley instead.

2. Top tomatoes with fresh thyme for a fresh take on a caprese salad or bruschetta. Add in some peaches if you’re feeling adventurous.

3. Tarragon makes potato salad just as delicious as dill, and slightly more kid-friendly, too.

4. If you’ve got lavender sprouting in your garden, dry the purple buds and steep them in your next batch of lemonade for a delicate, floral flavor.

5. Cilantro adds a real kick to grilled salmon- try Gwyneth’s excellent (and easy!) recipe.