10. Flex / Zen by Eieio. Click here to find retailers selling 19.25″ x 27″ sheets.

2. Pine Branch on Slate from Paper Source. $2.50 for 19.5″ x 27″ sheet

3. Gold Snowflakes from Kates Paperie. $4.00 for a 19.75 x 27.75 sheet
4. Pop Ink Gift Wrap from French Paper Co. $3.25 for two 19.5″ x 27″ sheets

5. Robin Print Wrapping Paper from DaWanda. €2.50 for a 50 x 70cm sheet

6. Gift Wrap Sheet by Charles Kahti from Kates Paperie. $60.00 for a 36″ x 53.5″ sheet
7. Speedway from Wrapped. $7.99 for two sheets 23″ by 25″ each.
8. Gift Wrap Sheet by Charles Lahti, Milo from Kates Paperie. $18.00 for a 26″ x 40″ sheet.

9. Marimekko Pienet Kivet Black and White Gift Wrap from Crate & Barrel. $3.95 for a 30″ x 72″ sheet.

10. Kaleidoescope by Eieio. Click here to find retailers selling 19.25″ x 27″ sheets.