

9 Money Habits That Can Help You Build Wealth & Avoid Stress

While a six-figure inheritance or high-paying job can land you in the top 1 percent of earners, it’s the little things—your money habits—that often make the difference between a life of prosperity and one of constant financial stress. Just ask LearnVest Planning Services CFP® David Blaylock, who doesn’t simply advise his clients on the merits …

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Should You Disclose Your Pregnancy in a Job Interview?

If being laid off and scrambling to find a new job isn’t stressful enough, imagine having to do it when you’re expecting a baby. That’s the predicament Karin Zannella, 35, of Fairfield, Conn., found herself in while pregnant with her first child in 2011. Though she was just eight weeks along (and wasn’t showing yet), …

Should You Disclose Your Pregnancy in a Job Interview? Read More »


The 50/20/30 Guide to Summer: How to Have Fun in the Sun & Not Bust Your Budget

Have you been feeling good about your budget lately? We’re guessing yes. It may be because the sun is shining a little more, and those extra doses of vitamin D are lifting your spirits. Or it could be due to the fact that it’s the midyear mark—and you’ve actually managed to stick to your financial resolutions. …

The 50/20/30 Guide to Summer: How to Have Fun in the Sun & Not Bust Your Budget Read More »


New Study Reveals Thin Silver Lining For Working Moms

Back in 1975, only about 45 percent of mothers with children under the age of 18 worked outside the home. Nowadays that figure is closer to 71 percent. Unfortunately, despite the growing numbers of women in the workforce, working mothers still face serious challenges, including discrimination by employers and co-workers as well as the cost …

New Study Reveals Thin Silver Lining For Working Moms Read More »


Expert Tips For Saving Money on Health and Wellness Expenses

Your body is your greatest asset, and taking good care of it can help you live longer and better—and also avoid costly conditions, like diabetes and heart disease, down the road. But in addition to scheduling regular visits with your M.D., there are plenty of other proactive measures you can take to keep your health …

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