Aire Spa


Address: 88 Franklin St, New York, US
Phone: 212 274 3777

The unique spa experience at this Spanish import is based on the public baths of ancient times. The services follow the bathing practices of Greeks and Romans who, according to its website, “would treat their guests to a session of thermal baths… at the end of the 5th century BC, the upper classes attended magnificent public bathhouses [that were] true palaces.” Patrons of Aire Spa can recreate the ancient ritual of progressing from a warm water pool to a hot water pool to the “Frigidarium,” or cold-water pool, a process which is repeated three or four times. To this ancient process, Aire Spa adds modern conveniences like propeller jets, steam rooms, and its heated salt water pool, which is said to induce mental relaxation. The spa also offers a menu of treatments and massages which use traditional—if not traditionalist— substances like red wine, olive oil, and Champaign.