We’re excited to bring our entertaining outdoors this summer. This warm weather invites a cold drink and outdoor mood lighting, doesn’t it? For those in fear, we know what you’re thinking: mosquitoes galore, food hot off the grill cooling quickly…the list goes on. Then there’s the fact that the outdoor furniture (or lack there of) hasn’t been hosed off since last summer.
Quash those fears! We’re here to tell you it is easy–even liberating—to host a dinner outside. Even if your space is small! Start with the table: Pull existing, natural elements from your home or yard and incorporate them into a creative table scape. Pick flowers from the yard and use them as napkin rings, let a Mexican blanket double as a table runner…the possibilities are endless! Add that to good food and good company and soon enough you’ll be doing this every weekend. Click above for a slideshow of 10 outdoor table setting ideas.